Friday, November 14, 2008

What Is The Role Of Orthodox Treatment

WE in the Jura and Graduation Ceremony.

Good evening.
It is with great emotion that I write this last post. snif.
Firstly I want to thank you for the moments we shared without even knowing. You have been (unknowingly) my supporters during a very difficult period.
But it is true that my empty days are spent in training a bygone era and today, as I said before, I feel neither the time nor the courage to write this blog.
same time, it's a little end of a cycle for me.

I just finished my 5 years post tray. Tomorrow I will officially agronomist. My
HEC curriculum is completely different from what I have lived before, and although the courses that I am undermining the morale sometimes / often, I will save the world, I want to stop hearing that if we continue all this, we run our loss, I want to have children without saying that the world we bequeath them is not viable.
That's why I invest myself completely in my Specialized Master is more than an additional year but a new way of looking at my future.
And as I often take everything to heart, I tended to blame not to fuel what was for me an outlet but also a meeting place for 6 months.
So I decided to deprive me of a problem in my head and then to stop the blog.

Finally, I present you the latest pictures that Ben and I have taken during our trip in the Jura the weekend and the pictures of my HHW


We were fortunate to land in a guest room AMAZING (Pay no attention to the website, the room is really superb Andreys) you can go HERE .
In fact, the room with a stage. Downstairs, we had a small kitchen with a dining table, sofa and TV ... (Too cozy, comfortable, cute ,...)

And could you go up you have a small office area, bedroom and children room. (Everything is wood, made by the owner, with antique furniture everywhere, retyped and highlighted)

Then we went for a walk and we visited St. Claude (panorama just below)
And always my little cows. You know more than the manufacture of the county, there are plenty of cows around!

Then the NATURE ...
cascades of Hedgehog. Very
beauuuu. Really. Calm, to see!

And finally: on the way back, we're
arrested Baume les Messieurs, but it was raining too much to take pictures.

By cons, arrived in Arbois, we visited a very charming town and crossed by the Seille.
Exclusive, you also have the horrible picture of Ben and me on the anniversary of his grandfather ... NO COMMENT.


First visit to the experimental farm of the school ..
There were biquette everywhere. TOO cute.
short, I was really happy. In addition
kids come suck their fingers and they were all huddled around me.
I'd brought one with me well in my bag, but Ben was reluctant then ...

Then here I am at City Hall. makeup, dress, etc. ..

Here I am with my sister and Ben cocktail

And finally, with my dad and Eleanor, my former roommate.


Good continuation to all of you I hope to soon for new adventures.

Your Corn

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Can't I Get To Akiba-online?

FRIENDS: PROPOSED last post ....

Friends, I finally realized that I could not manage the school head and my blog. Clearly, when I get home at night all I want ... rest, my blog becomes a chore that I'm too lazy to do.

For (almost) finale, I answer a few tags that I had recently.

one of Petronilla (6 insignificant things about me) :

I answered earlier this tag for Petro BUT, I again!
1: My cat is called Wistiti (W there is a pronounced "OR" because it has been vaccinated for the first time in the North of France)
2: I have a task of birth on the side of my torso and it's family, my 2 sisters are in various locations (not the same as mine)
3: I am very anxious about many things
4: I eats all the time small skin on the nail and I m'épile hairs that are on my fingers (hand and feet)
5: I'm tired movies where violence is completely unmarked (type Mesrine, not even allowed at least 12 years)
6: I do too many things all the time, I'm sorry BUT I could not live otherwise ...

Then one of Ilar ia (8 lines added) :

  • main trait of my character : full
  • My main quali ty : generous
  • My favorite pastime: reading / watching TV shows
  • quality I prefer in a man e : tenderness / humor (nice butt too)
  • quality I like in a woman : sincerity
  • dish that makes my mouth water : the fondue
  • favorites Tags: cheese, sausage, travel
  • What I hate above all : people who talk a lot without knowing or doing anything

And finally, that of Skiloo (5 songs I like) :

1: "You and Me" Tryo
2: "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan
3: "All is white" Emilie Simon
4: "Lucky Number Nine Moldy Peaches
5:" Sinnerman "by Nina Simone

Big Kisses to all.

You'll have the last post by early next week (my great weekends in the Jura and my graduation ceremony which takes place next week-end to complete this cycle of life we shared together ).