Friday, August 20, 2010

Does A Lasagna Have To Be Covered

Holmes is in trouble!

Well, my babies are hospitalized since Sunday night. I'm with Mathias in the hospital and they ask me to fetch Raphi emergency. I can not leave Matt alone in the hospital and it is me who has the shell in the car for babies ......... what do I do? So I decide to seek help rare thing for me and I phone my brother has 4 minutes remaining CHUL. It was 4:00 in the morning .......... okay this is serious what happened to my twins. I hang up the phone and I see him and his better half in the door of the emergency, it seemed to teleportation. So I'll try and Dr. Raphael tells us that the bb will be hospitalized for at least 48 hrs. It's been a very foolish to see happen, I was feeling pretty alone with all this. Thank you Dan and Eric.

Jee leave you a picture attached. My boyfriend and my brother have some experience working together, doing a patio, laminate flooring, paint, attic rebuild, etc.. But this was their first experience chager a layer (full of shit) together ...... Both filler on the renovator Mike Holmes, so I saw them change the diaper I just taste shouting HOLMES IS IN THE TUESDAY! In addition I gate details, most guys wipe the baby the baby is more stimulating to do shit. It's beautiful to see their beautiful work! My boyfriend is the red sweater ..... it looks like they are operating on a baby.
Our babies are still in the hospital, it's Friday and I look forward to having with us at home. They spend a lot of tests but it seems that this virus is only .... Mat him by a cons can be a problem with platelets, we'll see after a few days.
is when you're in trouble we find out who is for us for real, who loves us in good times as in the least pleasant. With my pregnancy I also discovered that takes care of us and with this ordeal. Thank you.
I'll never see the sun Telethon child in the same way, it was nothing compared to where we see a television. A beautiful medical team.


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