Monday, January 31, 2011

Penalty For Fake Id On Ontario


second interlude

VON REICH ZUM EINEM ändern. The exuberance

unusual crows
captured the imagination of the bottles.

And tears among the barrels
throw roses
awake on the turkey erythrocyte. Looking sluggish and languid
lobster pink.

Where does this light wheelbarrow?

women with big claws of a hawk, owl
among the corpses hooked.

Where does this light wheelbarrow? The exuberance

unusual crows
captured the imagination of the bottles. Robust

among the canes for the blind, dark houses
bathtubs amulets. The larva

Eros hypocritical slime

blistered his tongue.

Where does this light wheelbarrow ?

natural water lilies in the way of the stool
images tucked into the blue
coarse beards.

Where does this light wheelbarrow?

The exact knowledge of the easement
smoky and deaf and chewed.
Silence of intersections of the dream.

Where does this light wheelbarrow? The exuberance

unusual crows
captured the imagination of the bottles.

"Von einem zum andern Reich", surreal poem, was published in November 1966 in the No. 1 THE RIGUINGUETTE (Normal School Boys Arras, ed.).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Average Electricity Bill In Austin Tx

The slug-headed cat (11) Bunny

The slug-headed cat turned around.

Variant: The slug-headed cat makes his revolution.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Play Penis Female Doctor

mystical (4)

Rabbit mystical

by Lucien Suel


I realized immediately what was
powerful arm that we rewarding
this gift packaged. As this was weighing
unexpected package that forces Laure
had united to mine for hauling
to the foot of the altar. Panting in
swimming and heart in throat, we do
could do more. Zero muscle
swirled in my carcass. I did
face Laure and slid on his knees
first step. Laura did the same. Our
fingers joined at the node of
string. A blast of air produced a
sudden gust of odor Gospel
musty. Laura's eye flashed and a fine
smile relaxed his features. In a similar
extraction, we sniffâmes the exhalation
paper. The brain irradiated ordered.

muscles obeyed. The roundel yielded to
traction of the fingers. Kraft paper
was torn to shreds writhing
woodlice like a stone most
hot. And skinned, the package was
a simple wooden box, resembling
a tool box, child's toy. The
lid lifted, I approached the glow
a candlestick. The injury to my hand
painfully left buzzing in
plaster bandage stained gray and
agglomerated fragments of dust and
waste cobwebs. Laure had
privileged to empty the fun.

The web stricted the altar disappeared
under the motley array of strange
offerings. The flames of sizzling
candelabra illuminated the composition:
from left to right, a planter whose
shape capital T This reminded me
passion which had so far been
bleeding, a U-shaped magnet that sticks,
lascivious and liabilities at the time, the planter
whose blunt shone starkly
in the glow of candles, a tuber
artichoke still steeped in mud,
a lot of keys to all pipes rolled
in what seemed to be a fragile
women's underwear decorated with lace,
a small packet of seeds of leeks,
a big cube of soap which
rounded edges and translucent us
hypnotized like a ball
crystal or a sock full of a
coffee cooled. At the end of
the table, Laura had installed both
last present: a washcloth
mysteriously swollen and closed by a
favor blue, a small envelope
format and black. I picked
glove. Laura took the envelope. One
untied, and the other unsealed. I swooned
almost out of the washcloth,
the two legs of the alien rabbit
had slipped. Laura then showed me
his own discovery: a thin plate
fluorescent unleavened bread which
was printed one word: "MANDUCATE"
in Gothic letters edged with black
red. The meaning of all this escaped me
completely. I gave one of the tabs
rabbit Laure who slipped it in the neck
of her bodice. After that, she broke
the plate in half, offering me the part
marked MAN. She opened her mouth to
eat the second piece. I imitated
without fear. The bread had a sour taste.
to follow ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Think Milky Cervical Fluid

Silo (56) James Lee Burke

James Lee Burke , Heartwood .
Shores / Black, 2005.
I mean a wind that you harvest your cotton, which strips the paint of your silo and carries your house in the neighboring county, all this for free. (P 428)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Steel Seal Head Gasket Reviews

My ball of energy!

I spent my day with my friend M-Claude. It's a girl I met at work. There are people who make us a world of good. It is a ball of energy for me, it always gives me that little boost I need to continue. It often happens in my life when I buttered or even discouraged. She made me understand that sometimes a child lying At 18:30 it's a bargain! She guilt-free for the time my eldest would be lying even earlier!
We have spoken to some of our disappointment with friendship. She saw the same thing with me some of his friends, many disappointments. To have the impression that the only way to do to keep this link. Brief I feel full of good energy.
We concluded as follows: Friendship is like playing the stock market is invested in what we think is good but can never get returns. I'm glad to see that I have invested in it.

Locks Of Love Salon Orlando


Monday, January 24, 2011

Jaden Preston E Sean Prestan



naked boy on the planet that it was love of the sea turning indignation Madame Service Litigation shit soprano victor echo eulalie wa wa wa so wa wa wa but there are better fish bravo dany engine roar of fries

Sagittarius hush bang crackling sausage two bales of straw grinder tea-way accident double gentleman of dry callus dry some of their most convincing success in the school room of his parents

O fragrance in March the crotch ruby ruby lee lee oh the rare very serious death is kwa kwa kwa any different wording late January night thing sound equipment the band was recorded fiddle fancier of ccp ccp ccp cccp cccp

in the press guitar chromosomesque piss black soil barracuda hard in snow and why not cg cg cg column green hue dada dada drinn drinn hua sir mutant ent operation harmonium Under wood smart panic o o o szegorov plaxiglas

sunflower on junk Syldavian salivées voice on the airwaves electro lamentin lamentable morticliques volcanologists and no need for hours dactyligalogriphie laboratory to study the social gesellschaft amen barbaque barbados & triangle

bitangore many planes forever same flow of saliva on the pumpkins plastiritrons joguaguette musicians or with the Algerian veterans of the day continues kill kill kill kill kill kill kill in a Mexican The transition

brrrrrrrrr wooden blind wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa I rarely read something so interesting differences arise laboratory analogue L su is written in vain luger hand érésypèle worst green and pink O O O is where any

the difference with the one who takes the train to bet considering the text above 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ninety percent of French respondents and this is a valley calves writing last thing for pens enfouacés ernesto castro ernestol

castrol infinite duration or I do not brush your teeth person krieg alévourabié one megaton and the wind turns on you ossidents slain dental vacuum the Pharmacists The writer has a function or role, answering objections unresponsive in the match poll

accept fresco under question four wine for blood francs know you care interviewed in Local windows algoliens asleep under the total control. weighed down the spirit of parkmaîtres once seen

digitally yours abyss restez restez rrr rrr rrr rrr restez rrr ralévourabié alévourabié sinistres pandores de la farmacopée mondialiste chut chut se se tordre tordre ssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssss sssss TECHNIQUE UBU Boro picnic MILK FLAT TOTO

Nunu COCO BEKNIK BIKNIK THEN PRACTICE Tutu TOUTOU Caca Cucu Lolo Lolo PEKNIK haha ZAZA KAKIK Serpent-SUR LES SUCE TRIPES NAVETS ET-EN T IS BOULES Constant TINETTE BLOUC BLOUC ... Vous venez d'entendre la vingt-troisième prédic (a) tion de nostroudanus ... Je veux le

"Le calendrier dans la chambre de ses parents" Ete a publié en 1979 dans la Revue ANATOLIE AU CAFÉ DE L'Aube , N ° 9 / 11 ( Thierry Tillier, eds.) This text has been subject to adjustment as the sound "Lab 23" in the cassette IN Hymn and CANTIC .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Royal Caribbean And Alcohol

We had a great time to take pictures of our old-style twins! They are beautiful.

The twins have been 6 months already OUF. I must confess that the first two months have been super stressful. I did not get out, but now that they have 6 months I think the days go by too fast. When they have 14 months I returned to work, it seems to me to be tomorrow. We found our evenings from the celebrations. Before the babies fell asleep in their swing in the living room and every half hour ca grumbled. For about two weeks we sleep in leu rs beds to 7:00 p.m. ET heir him 19.30, saying that it feels good to have adult time. We do not sleep later than 21h030 but I just found my boyfriend me!
We had a party of neighbors this weekend. What fun! We landed in a neighborhood dream. Our neighbors are great and we spend great time together. We made an evening of board games. We lie all children and FUN TIME!!
We begin our planned summer vacation, we leave with a couple of friends who have 4 children, then we have 7 children 4 adults. We feel good with this couple, nothing is complicated, they are REAL! In short I feel will be of great holiday. I also feel that for the heir to go on holiday with them will be more enjoyable. They have a son younger than 6 months of the heir and a daughter who is 6 months older than the twins, so what a great gang. It does not make much of the road, with the brats we do not want to trip in miles chialage and impatience. In a few years we will go further, but all we want is a good time with our three children we have so desired.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Cream For First Signs Of Aging

in m vi sual

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Several Female Doctor Penis

Rabbit mystical (3)

Rabbit mystical

by Lucien Suel


Laura helped me without saying a word. I was sweating
like a navvy. The night fell with
slow. I inhaled the scent Elysian
Laure, leaning against the back, knees
savvy Wall limed. I had the horror
disgust of the world uses. Noise
an automobile engine crossed our
meditation. "Your strength is in their
silence." I always ground.

The pieces do not fit. Throat
dry, cottony, tight, stiff neck,
aspired to purity, fearing just
sensory treason. In fact, any
defense's argument was based
on the presence and absence of fair
virgins. The rabbit was convincing
when I spoke in stirring its beak
quietly. I had cracked the secret
the novice. no vice! I leaned of
my good hand arm of the chair while
lifting my butt and so
balanced, I got up, muscles and soft
trembling thighs. Ears and palms
facing the door, a sharp sword
pain in my heart, I waited.

The engine gasped and fell silent. The key
turned in the lock. The door yawned
slowly on oil pure and gentle
steel hinges. The fresh face of Laura
paled. Through the door of the chapel, a
white-gloved hand threw a package into
the floor still smeared with blood.

For three hours, the door closed,
in the dark night, sitting with Laura
to my right, I caught the pack,
the strange heat and blue luminescence
and orange which emanated. Abandoned on
the floor, between the portal and the altar
decommissioned, the parcel had a whiff of
spiritual death. Laure kneaded without
stops my ball right through the bag
jute that covered my knees. We
could see through the plaster chipped
the vaulted ceiling, a dreamlike movement
gray clouds pushed by a strong wind
west. All came to nothing. I
had to act. Sisal twine knotted
cross attracted me. Laura stopped me
mix. I was curious as a young
child who finds the world of ants,
under a stone in the wild garden
good rabbit. Crawling on the floor in
rejecting my visit agglomerates
chalky, I approached humbly
Gift beaming. Again, I was sweating.
to follow ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tolls Going Up 2010- George Washington Bridge

Holiday Photos + Our great Christmas

Today our big day. We went to Mont Tourbillon drag with him. My sister in law and his daughters came to keep the twins and we are part alone with him. He did not know where it went but I felt he was glad to leave behind two small re him. He loved the slides. We were afraid he might be frightened but not all. Then we slipped from 10.30 to 13.00. It was just enough for us three. During an ascent, as he sat on me, he said, "Mommy I'm glad my aunt Danielle keeps the baby." It meant everything. I know he loves them but it's mêm e two small invaders who came into his life and who have totally changed. My boyfriend had put pink tinted ski goggles, it simply amazing to see life in pink. What an experience for a ti-man 3 ½ years.
I leave you pictures of our beautiful day with our heir. We look forward to returning again this winter with him was a beautiful day with your family.