Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halloween Invitations Rhyme

Christmas + + +

We had a year to the day of this day or my pregnancy test was positive result had IVF. I recalls as if it were yesterday. Today we are the family I always wanted, full of children, good I'll have taken one more but it is not negotiable with the boyfriend. Our heir begins to understand more and more as Christmas approaches. J, I am making decorations with him, he finds it beautiful. He takes pleasure in this post a christmas hat on his head and say he is a Santa Claus, too cute. It takes different article he pretends to give us gifts.

Speaking of the heir I am a bit in reverse for 2 days. Two of our couples Buddy Joint bank legally adopts a child 13 and December 16. We were still meeting and any rights to that child. But love is above all this I know, but a family name is also valuable. In short we will see what time will do for us, you never know what life can bring us the evidence we thought never to have children and we have 3, thank you life!


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