Monday, February 14, 2011

Charcoal Sheer Curtains


gasoline increases, the price of cars increases, insurance increases, thus contributing to a car is almost a luxury right now.

But there are a few tips anti-waste:

Applications fuels:

-Available in your smartphones, VeryCarbu (1.59 €) offers the cheapest stations within a radius of 5km.

-The Essence App pulls out of the game, thanks to a superfast search reduced within a radius of 1km around for only 0.79 €.

Keep footed:

-To reduce fuel consumption, it is better to go molo on the accelerator. Economy: 5 to 10% on a full month.

Give yourself a full "premium" from time to time

-Opt for stations in large tankers from time to time. Their fuel is better quality so that's what it takes to polish up your engine. If you drive exclusively in the city's economy over the long term.

Find a cruising speed:

-No sudden acceleration, look, if possible, your account does not turn to over-consume.

example a diesel engine is at the top between 1800 and 3000 rpm. below it gets dirty, it burns too over gasoline.

Do not release the pressure:

-Your tires are the only contact with the road in your car. With under-inflated tires, you can lose 11% of fuel per month;

Lighten your car

-Fini's tool box, water bottles filled with liquid that clog up the trunk.

Remove superfluous you can save a few ounces of fuel per month, not just significant for storage!

WAS NOT OIL BUT WERE IDEAS -to-spend-less-in-voiture.html


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