Monday, December 20, 2010

Witty Things To Write In A Wedding Book

We had five days of Christmas and one day for five months of my twins, it goes too fast. The first two months were very difficult, I was too tired and I could not sleep but I would say that since we celebrate their three months it's going better. Mathias is delivered at 20 pounds, ca no sense how it is heavy. Our Raphi has 17 books. Looks like a tite chip when it is taken after taking Mat. The heir tripe holidays. We sang Christmas songs he heard on the care and here is cute at the end. He begins to have a sense of sharing. To show that it is not fair to him to be gifts I buy two bags of cat biscuits for cats of my mother. We've packaged together. I told him we will give a bag of cats each gr-mom. When we finished packing everything he said, the cats Mom Grandma sharing this sack there and we'll give this bag is a Praline (our neighbor's cat) RELATING TO DEATH! It was on his kit on the neighbor since it is small but the thought of her cat's box. That is where we put our kids on track. It may be unwilling to share his cars when friends are there, but I see that in his head, a long way what we are trying to give as values.
is made here on 24 this year, well, like last year but it is our business bcp. With babies and large it's easier to be in our business. Especially since babies do not always want to have in our arms and it takes them swing, tite chair and jumping for a fun evening. Mathias + + is nervous when there are too many people realize that what we do not spend bonnnes nights, waking up often and Chigne. At Christmas we will try to give him his drink and to eat up to give him time to calm. I do not know if it will help but you have because when it's arms all night the night is unpleasant + + +. We do not make a large table. First one is too crowded, 20 people and it makes up all this heavy. Cocktail party will then be modified. We can develop gifts and eat at the same time. I decided not to wait for children on Christmas Eve. Is flat around the assets exicités us and then they (well, I mean the younger ones) go to bed not long after. My heir is already a gift under the tree and talk to me about three times a day.
Our first Christmas with our family that we always dreamed of. If I were younger I would ask for a 4th child in Santa Claus, but I know it's not too realistic with the situation of the heir and you do not know how long we could take AC to have another child. I'll be 33 in February, I know it's not 43 but hey, I'm already spoiled by life to have these three boys in my life, I could not dream of so many.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Subway Steak Pregnancy


WOW packs a day. Yesterday we went to IKEA me and my neighbors, girls super! We did some shopping but what I remember most is our chat. It means great. I was just thinking of a day it was fun ...... but not when you're mom does not think it was just so. I am not able to not call home for news of the guys when I'm not there. It must be normal I guess. Initially we were not too certain to leave, it was snowing Qué no I correct, in Val-Belair. When I went get my niece Ste-Foy no snow. I then realized I still really in the north.
The fact that I am absent was beautiful repercussions. Our national Mathias is hard to sleep since one month and well my boyfriend has managed to sleep three times in one day. Even I, who spend all my time with them has not always succeeded so quickly. Bravo my love.
Tomorrow's new to me and the twins, an assistant mom. My mother gives us a big big hand, but juju is hard work so we must find other aid. It a community organization that aids moms and babies between 0-6 months. I can not wait to see if it went okay. Her name is Christine, I hope we will get along because I need help these days. Small dodos do not make the same time and their needs are much more present. They do not want to stay in bed or rocking. They want to be standing, to stimulate + +, so in this time of the book in the house is not moving. You can find our equilibrium slowly, it feels good.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halloween Invitations Rhyme

Christmas + + +

We had a year to the day of this day or my pregnancy test was positive result had IVF. I recalls as if it were yesterday. Today we are the family I always wanted, full of children, good I'll have taken one more but it is not negotiable with the boyfriend. Our heir begins to understand more and more as Christmas approaches. J, I am making decorations with him, he finds it beautiful. He takes pleasure in this post a christmas hat on his head and say he is a Santa Claus, too cute. It takes different article he pretends to give us gifts.

Speaking of the heir I am a bit in reverse for 2 days. Two of our couples Buddy Joint bank legally adopts a child 13 and December 16. We were still meeting and any rights to that child. But love is above all this I know, but a family name is also valuable. In short we will see what time will do for us, you never know what life can bring us the evidence we thought never to have children and we have 3, thank you life!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Best Range Finder Reviewsdeer Hunting


And so we started cereal this morning. My Dr. found that babies eat too often and take a lot of milk every day, then eat!
Mathias He was immediately understood how it worked a spoon in his mouth, but Raphael is a challenge, ca spring all the time. By cons is much better tonight. This is a new phase in the life of my coconuts. They will have four months on November 21, it goes fast! At Christmas they will have 5 months and still be different. They're constantly make beautiful smiles, they are worshiped.
My boyfriend told me how beautiful noon. "We saw a great challenge my girlfriend" he's right, but as he says without help there as well not happen. Our heir goes well too, as it grows so fast I think it just happened among us. It is a bit in rivalry with Sebastian for me, he says he is my boyfriend, he's my boyfriend, CUTE! He wants to sleep in the place of dad and take his place at table. I love this little three years!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dawn Simulator Alarm Clock, Jr

Too fast!

They visited three months I hood time passes too quickly. As I know it's my last holiday I think it goes fast and I do not want to miss anything ......... three months!

also grown from our eye has seen. He has three years and speaks as ever. We made comments and explains things, unbelievable!
Raphi has a new admirer, Florence our neighbor across the street. She came to dinner last weekend and she did not let go. She gave him Bizous, super CUTE! She has these eyes that the child is incredible. When I look at my mini-Mourning does not have girls ....... for BARBIES. But j'aurias may have been a little girl who does not like AC, then I could not spoil me. When I go to Toys Rus is still my favorite row beards. I do not like dolls but BARBIES WOW! I feel like me just to buy my little neighbors who visit me, it's not funny enh!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Left Ear Ache Ringing

ah I'm proud

I went last Tuesday was a tribute given by the youth center for families who have years of service. My parents were honored for 30 years of service, no nothing! I'm 32 so it means it's from the very beginning of their family that they give their time and welcome these young people in difficulties. 30 years, I'm not even working on for so long, it's amazing and it's not finished my mother told me. They have given a lot in this project Foster, AC was not pink every day believe me but they have much to be proud of.

I have often said that I "lent" my parents, it's true. I was taught to share in my family and it is the most precious thing that I could lend. I went to this tribute with my neighbor. She told me again I do not know how many times it was awesome and very generous this q'ils did, it has everything right. It is a commitment 24hrs 24, 7 / 7, not a week vacation ... as with our own children.

The picture is not great, so my parents!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Does The International Colour Chart Get Used


Yesterday I went to the pumpkin hunting with my heir and his cousin Alicia. He was pretty happy to get a pumpkin although it was not quite sure what to expect. We went to the farm Genest St-Nicolas. There were inflatable games, pony rides, short enough for having fun. The pony ride is not what he most loved, saying he wanted to return to the inflatable games. When I watch these games in there I am well aware that it lacks a lot of traction at those legs. The only problem is that we were not quite dressed, finally me and Alicia ............... there was COLD !!!!!! I think I'll make it a family tradition to hunt the pumpkin every year with my gang. The scenery is beautiful and it makes a beautiful day outside with family

It seems when you have children was the desire to have traditions. I realize that my family had and gave us benchmarks over time. This year my brother asked me to do donuts. The family of my father were always hundreds (up to 800 at each !!!!) year. Young, I knew the holidays were approaching. This year we do this at home, I feel more in the tradition of Hardy's great. Ca for my children does not mean anything yet, but in a few years they will probably have the same feeling as me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Penetrating Labia Jewelry

babies are gaining weight it is unbelievable, Mathias was born in 7.2 and is about to reach the 15 pounds that is derail. Raphi has also gained weight but I have not yet taken the time to weigh. I find the short nights but at the same time things have slowly made a routine that it's getting better and better. My days go alone with them reasonably well. The only shadow is that I can rarely go back to bed because the word order between the two is you do not sleep together! It allows me to take time for everybody without having the impression of being in the juice.
Every day I go on walks with the twins, when Mother Nature lets me. This week's big bubble of emotions. It's sunny, once again I over-dressed babies and I see the water beaded on the front of Mathias, but hey they are hot. The sun is hot, the wind fallen tree leaves, tourbillonent them one by one in the air and reaches the ground. In my ears to listen awaits Isabelle Boulay. I watch the dance films, my stroller full of babies and listen to the lyrics of this song. A big ball of heat rises in my chest, a little voice inside me say: That's happiness! Indeed. It is not easily describable, but my happiness was at the top. Yes, the nights have two babies is hard, managing 5 to 7, with our three children is not always easy, but being a mother is something I'm satisfied. Having a family is the greatest asset of all. My three boys show me all the days I'm going a difference in their lives. Ah well yes sometimes it's putting the crown in consequence, but for his own good and make it a respectful and polite boys had outside the house.
Noel will be in two months. We'll do that with me it's easier with my grandchildren. First Christmas that our family is not complete and the fourth will not be negotiable dad, it is clear the top. For an infertile couple, three children is already better than winning the lotto has.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Many Calories Is A Barbecue Sandwich

three + two

Today I am went shopping with my mother. We stopped at a shop to try some clothes. While my mother tried a sweater I speak with the seller. It must be 21 years wholesale max, a beautiful blonde with blue eyes. Say I'm a MRS is a side. She did not speak of twins, a rarity. In three hours of shopping people have made 27 comments, it is not practical jokes! So I continue on the commission. She finally asked the age of the babies, two months. She tells me I am a threesomes ........ WOW just look at her I see has already scuppered all men, seeing the three girls together. They are identical besides, something very rare. My mother continues to try on clothes. When the salesperson comes back she said
-Want to know the best?
-Avoye so.
-My boyfriend is a twin !!!!!!!!!!!
is still pretty hot all this! She really impressed me. All clerks we met we talked about it juju, it does not speak to me. For her it was nothing of juju. She told me stories of identical triplets, go to the other reviews, the silly boyfriend ..... the other thing that mine will not never do they are so physically different.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Are The Parts Of A Pirate Ship Called

FINISH all the dodos

and yes our twins will sleep in separate beds for the first time at home. They sleep separately in the hospital a week and they are not dead then it's over here too. Mathias moves too much when he wakes up and writes it ...... Raphi wakes him a few times then FINISH! I do not traumatized for life, just improve the quality of their sleep. I do not feel they need to be glued, maybe later but not yet.
I wait to see if it will change something.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Red Capillaries In Eyes

7 years

September 20, 2003 I said yes I will, and I always want. We were different 7 years ago, younger, not knowing what were our plans for our marriage, our future, our destiny, our joys and our sorrows. These are our wedding wool cute. This morning he offered me a beautiful scarf mittens and a nice touch. In his words of love card he wrote me that it knit family. C, is exactly right. We do not knit a sweater in two hours, it takes time and patience. I am proud of what we become, a couple with respect and trying not to forget our three treasures ..... are preparing a ti-trip to New York in May 2011! To be continued .......
The twins will be two months tomorrow, it flies anyway. They have 6 more pounds each and me 50 pounds lighter hihihihihi. The routine is better it feels good. The nights are starting to be less short and the twins more awake.
I wish we still beautiful years with our family and our cozy nest.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Imagenes De Playas De Hollywood Florida

home alone

And here is my first week without Daddy is made. I must say that my mother came three days, a friend on Thursday and Friday. I'm still pretty proud of myself. No stress of being alone with the twins as I went to Laurier with them alone! I feel pretty proud to walk with my basket full of babies, people stop me all the time, but that's okay is my little side feature, HIHIHIHIHI.

Our heir is a much better day care, I do think having resumed his routine makes a world of good. There is a lot more pleasant evenings at home. It takes great time with him and Life moves slowly to 5. The young have a little routine that helps a lot I think. Mathias is rendered and has 13livres Raphi has 12 books (birth weight of 7.2 and 6.7) is to see how it derailed grow quickly. I separate bed this weekend. They say to put the twins together until 4 months, but I is not finished! When he wakes up crying and agitated when the other staff back in bed for two. If this causes a problem long term I would pay to their psy 18.

I think slowly Baptism. I have no taste for a simple celebration. I would like to make a celebration of life, but especially of family success. Our nest is different but we have our nest and we love it. I wish we celebrated the success of our project to have more than one child despite our statue of infertile couples. It does not christening this fall for many reasons, will probably be in June 2011. I already have several ideas of how I see this day. I know that people will maybe find that I do it big, but it's really a party has a double meaning for me. I also want the priest to have the words to our heirs. Today with the arrival of twins I can confirm to the whole world that our children we wore them or not, love that their door was no difference. If I hear someone tell me that our heir is not our son I leave my life. It is we who fly the nose, which MOTR its colors, the consolation is that he comes to us when he has trouble or just want to have juice ......... . if it's not what being a mom and a dad to someone I wonder what is it? In short, a baptism as a celebration and a successful project which has taken six years to complete. Because I will never forget the suffering of the years we had him wanting a family, never.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Betula Licensed By Birkenstock

is not nice but my boyfriend and I have not understand those who find it hard with one baby. We talk a few times when we're both standing in the middle of the night to give the drink to our coconuts. It seems to me that one for us it smells ease. We never had a single baby born at a time (being the heir has reached 11 months) but it seems that there is one. Sometimes I think Caro Smith has a radio which had a triple and I say PHEW! Children have always ben a kit just a parent. It is on that we are adapting but at the same time it seems sometimes we do not take advantage of our babies. I guess things will be different when they are older and smaller than the routine is well established.

They grow up before our eyes. It's easier to take them in our arms, they look less like a porcelain doll. Their eyes were watching us and we feel they know we're here. Mathias has always had difficulty falling asleep, may be gases, it is not too clear. My mother found that he sleeps better on the side, then finished on the back and not to sleep.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Many Calories Are In A Homemade Brownie

a baby is when the night?

Well yes not a good night for the family. Let's say our Mathias gripe from 2h00 to 5h00, the joke it's 6:00 is the heir who gets up then I would say that the night is not too long in such a time. Then a 3:00 that night I told my boyfriend I let you sleep this morning and I sleep in a pm without having to supervision of the kids .... 3:00 AM has he said yes, he still has to remind his wake! Hihihihi I'd rather take a nap in pm to sleep in the morning.
We burned our stay in the hospital. We are back home for a week and I realized that we were on adrenaline week of hospitalization. I go to bed at 8:30 and that's when I manage to sleep at 8:00 am the heir because I will ship at 7h00. The problem is that to manage two babies is not like managing a. Often it is the night they are most awake ..... at 21:00 so let's say it moves when you're alone and want the two arms.
Raphael muget done, I must refer to AC, then I phoned to the pharmacy and see what they will say.
The heir was her birthday 3 years, how time flies. Again has the honor of The Cars toys. It has changed so much since the day or he came to live with us. It was quite a character .... say it is the sport some day, but at the same time it's so funny to see everything he can get us out of time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Does A Lasagna Have To Be Covered

Holmes is in trouble!

Well, my babies are hospitalized since Sunday night. I'm with Mathias in the hospital and they ask me to fetch Raphi emergency. I can not leave Matt alone in the hospital and it is me who has the shell in the car for babies ......... what do I do? So I decide to seek help rare thing for me and I phone my brother has 4 minutes remaining CHUL. It was 4:00 in the morning .......... okay this is serious what happened to my twins. I hang up the phone and I see him and his better half in the door of the emergency, it seemed to teleportation. So I'll try and Dr. Raphael tells us that the bb will be hospitalized for at least 48 hrs. It's been a very foolish to see happen, I was feeling pretty alone with all this. Thank you Dan and Eric.

Jee leave you a picture attached. My boyfriend and my brother have some experience working together, doing a patio, laminate flooring, paint, attic rebuild, etc.. But this was their first experience chager a layer (full of shit) together ...... Both filler on the renovator Mike Holmes, so I saw them change the diaper I just taste shouting HOLMES IS IN THE TUESDAY! In addition I gate details, most guys wipe the baby the baby is more stimulating to do shit. It's beautiful to see their beautiful work! My boyfriend is the red sweater ..... it looks like they are operating on a baby.
Our babies are still in the hospital, it's Friday and I look forward to having with us at home. They spend a lot of tests but it seems that this virus is only .... Mat him by a cons can be a problem with platelets, we'll see after a few days.
is when you're in trouble we find out who is for us for real, who loves us in good times as in the least pleasant. With my pregnancy I also discovered that takes care of us and with this ordeal. Thank you.
I'll never see the sun Telethon child in the same way, it was nothing compared to where we see a television. A beautiful medical team.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can Implantation Have Tissue

What is the problem?

I do not have much time to write but I would like to give you news of us. The twins are hospitalized for a fever that does not stop ........ since Saturday, well Saturday night was Sun I'll come tell you all later. To date this is the hospital until they were 24 hours without fever. They have less than 30 days that's why doctors do not take risks. Tomorrow's heir is 3 years old, makes me the pain of not celebrate his birthday as we had expected, but this is only a postponement.
To be continued ........

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting Schedule 2010


Well yes we had a good five hours from our grandchildren. Last drink at 8:30 and the other 1:30. At 1:12 I wake up in panic, no one has claimed to drink? But what happens there? I wake up my boyfriend to see if it gave a drink that I do not wake me .... and well not a nice sleep the whole gang!

Two years ago if I slept 4 hours without waking up online I found that the short night, but it is wonderful to sleep four hours online, proof that the definition of Happiness can change easily!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Multiplication Chart1

First family outing

Well yes we did our first outing today at 5 in the direction of the mini-farm in St-Jean-Chrysothome. Our beloved heir to touch the animals and run in the mini trails, a lovely short family activity. Tiny cottage is as good, but say that as a first output with the scope of a child almost 3 years was the ideal. The twins not a word! I realize that my friends who have twins told me is true, everyone we look with the double stroller is incredible.
It will take getting used to ....
HA! I love my family !!!!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Games Unlocked From School

not me boss (

Everybody told us as counsel to try to drink small at the same time. We put all our efforts over the flights, then it does not work. It's hard to drink a baby who does not like drinking because it is in the arms of Morpheus. So I dropped taking a first night, then a second and now those who decide. And you know what? They drink most of their time together is a lesson of life say to a girl who likes to control everything like me.

The heir went to spend the night with my mother. It gives us pause, but at the same time you get bored. Let's say two months since it is more difficult, and quite a bit more stubborn opponent. It seems like the crisis of two years but coming three years. Time will surely things I guess. Tomorrow we'll get him, will be our first official release with the twins, Wal-Mart and get our heir. After more than 15 days is the time for me to leave my home a little, just for cons.

I think he finds it hard visit also comes at home. Usually he is the center of attention, but have the. Her cousin took time for him last weekend, she is 14 but I think she saw that he found it difficult. In short I think it's a nice touch of her hand, she's a great feeling.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sample Volunteer Letter Confirmation


We are slowly making our spirits ..... rather routine routines. Me that has always been controlling this time they're the bosses. Personally I would say I think it's going relatively well. It is true that we help + + + and is the most beautiful gifts. Again controlling me I agreed to let my mother become the new manager of my washer.
Our heir did not have much interest in babies, he likes but it does not flatter than 2 minutes drive. The next three weeks he will be with us full time because the daycare is closed. We saw a little face AC stress but at the same time we said we take it day by day.

They already one week is incredible. I must confess that the last two weeks have been very difficult before delivery. The heatwave has been difficult, lack of sleep due to weather, PHEW! Say it was not too ideal for me. The good news this week is the air conditioning is installed, it helps us sleep a lot when you can sleep.